Upload KPI Data (Budget Revenue, Actual Revenue, Footfall)

This service makes it possible to upload KPI data to tamigo for displaying throughout tamigo. For example, whether hourly budget can be shown in Edit Day on an hourly basis. This service requires you to log in as an application.

For other types of KPI data, contact us directly.



Content-Type: application/json

 Status: Actual = 1 Forecast = 2 Budget = 3
 Type: Revenue = 1 Customers = 2
 Period (Time interval): Quarter = 1 Half hour = 2 Hour = 3 Day = 4 Week = 5 Month = 6
 "DepartmentId": "10",
  "Amount": "560,44",
  "Start": ""\/Date(1412589803535+0200)\/"
 "DepartmentId": "12",
  "Amount": "560,44",
  "Start": ""\/Date(1412589803535+0200)\/"